Questions like can I have lactation cookies while pregnant for their baby, how to deal with postpartum etc and various other questions rage through an expecting mother’s mind. Earlier there was a lot of stigma surrounding mothers who didn’t portray themselves as happy at all times during their pregnancy and motherhood. However, with changing times society has accepted that new mothers go through a lot of emotions all at once and that’s why there are multiple professionals out there who are willing to help a new or expecting mother deal with her emotions.
How to ask for help?
Many mothers, often feel guilt when it comes to asking for help. Having a baby, by choice is nothing short of a miracle and our society has a tendency to shame women if they perceive it as anything else. However, if you are expecting a baby or have recently had one, then you must acknowledge your feelings and seek help if needed, only then would you be able to truly care for yourself and your baby. An expert can not only help you process your feelings better, but also answer questions like can i have lactation cookies while pregnant and what to feed your baby.
If you hope to experience a planned pregnancy, then becoming a mother is easily one of the greatest joys of your life. However, there are a lot of things about pregnancy that the society and the mainstream media doesn’t tell you. Certain symptoms and hormonal changes can only be understood by a woman when she enters motherhood herself. However, this simple fact does not stop women all across the world from having a million questions rush through their brains and women and their families need to understand it. This will be made possible only when awareness is spread in great numbers.